Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Oxford & Cambridge...

Puh! Yesterday was one of those days when everything happened and there was time for nothing. In fact, today is one of those days too, I feel like I'm getting nowhere... but there's no way I'm not going to take a few minutes to sit down and blog :)

We spent a really nice long 4 day weekend down near Oxford and Cambridge this weekend. Yesterday was the first day back home and it's not really strange that there were a million things to do.

I think I possibly preferred Cambridge to Oxford. But then again the weather was totally gorgeous when we went walking around Cambridge so I'm sure I was a little influenced by that too.

It was really beautiful when we went down towards the river in Cambridge on Sunday afternoon to watch the special punts.

On the way back home we visited Spalding and discovered these really amazing animal "statues" completely made out of flowers. They had been made for a special show the week before but had been left in the park afterwards. Very special :)

There were loads more animals made into flowers and these are only a selection of the photos I took. The one above with the polar bear is made from the "Golden Compass" movie.

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